Post Partum Fears and Ways to Deal with Them

Rakesh Rathod
2 min readFeb 13, 2020


You must have heard about postpartum depressions, after pregnancy workout and baby blues; there is however an extreme form of the two — post partum psychosis. This is a very serious concern and is quite rare among new mothers. Studies show that 1 woman among a 1,000 suffer from this post partum psychosis.

This can have several symptoms like paranoia and hallucinations. If a new mother complains or informs about some one whom you know does not exist, please do not ignore her and take her to the doctor immediately.

The new mother can have threatening thoughts like hurting herself or her baby. Normally these depressions are a cause of the shifting of the hormonal levels in the body of the new mother; but post partum depressions do not pose to be a serious problem, like post partum psychosis. This happens if the woman has had other psychiatric problems like — bipolar disorders, schizophrenia. A family history of the woman if have any trace of any psychiatric disorders may also lead the woman to suffer.

The woman may also behave very impatiently, and tend to be very rude. She can mostly be in a state of frustration and be irritated. She may feel lonely, worried and tense. As soon as you notice any such symptoms you must not leave it to be attended later. See the doctor immediately and take the prescribed medicines and follow the recommended therapies.

As there is a fluctuation of hormonal levels there are a lot of changes, both emotional and physical that a woman goes through. She needs immense amount of support from her family members and her partner. The sudden work load to tackle the baby and deal with the daily household chores may worry the new mother. She may be absolutely exhausted after the delivery of her child — mentally and physically. A lot of time is required for your body to heal.

The role and the responsibilities of a woman change drastically as she steps into motherhood. It will take her some time to get adjusted with the new way of life. Becoming a mother also needs the mother to give up certain of her habits and behaviors. This may not be easy.

A good support to the mother and assuring her that a bright future awaits her could be of help. She needs to be reminded about the joys that a baby can bring in. this phase will pass smoothly with treatment and care. She could join any community group and socialize more. Help her to be optimistic. Get over your depressions sooner.

After Pregnancy Workout



Rakesh Rathod
Rakesh Rathod

Written by Rakesh Rathod

Fitness Consultant and a personal fitness trainer in Hyderabad.

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